Monday, March 29, 2010

clock speed

today we learnt about clock speed. kinda interesting topic because got laughing during the session. we learnt that 1GHz = 1000 MHz. yeah, we won that question. haha. hmm. plus we learnt about micrroprocessor and one more subtopic which i can't remeber. hehe.

i enjoyed today's lesson because it includes calculation in which can activate my brain that seems congested today. sleepy, not enough sleep affects today's classes. so friends, get enough sleep to stay energetic in class. hee~

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


last week we got presentation on the introduction of chapter 2 conducted by our new teacher, Cik Hanie. Me, Suria, Effa, Shira, Komala and Santhiya were in the same group. The first group.

Me, Suria, Effa and Shira were doing the presentation in power point form where as Komala and Santhiya copied it in a piece of A4 paper. We became the first group to present. And Suria was the presenter. She presented it kinda well even she misread something. Haha. And at that time I came to save the day. hahaha.

For me, I understand the learning very much it is because we learnt it first and then we present it back. So, more chance to understand it better.

Oh! Today got new assignment, our group have to print the ASCII Table for ICT room to make it more interesting to see.

Monday, February 22, 2010

homework cuti Tahun Baru Cina

Pandangan saya tentang tahap kesukaran PK 1 kertas ICT adalah okey je. Sebab saya tak berani nak beri pandangan yang saoalan itu senang sangat sebab adalah yang sukarnya. Tapi, nak kata susah tu, tak adalah susah sangat. Tahap boleh buatlah. Konklusinya, soalan itu pada tahap yang okey dan boleh diterima bagi pelajar yang baru mempelajari subjek ICT seperti saya.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Assignment 2

People interact directly with computer in many fields in our daily life. ICT help people in managing several sectors. But we have threats to computer such as viruses and natural disasters.

a. Name four main sectors that used ICT in their management.
- Education
- Banking
- Industry
- E-Commerce

b. State two differences between worms and viruses.
> Worms operates through the network, where as viruses spreads through any medium.
> Worms spreads copies of itself as a standalone programme, where as viruses spreads
copies of itself as a programme that attaches to other programme.

c. There are six types of security measures that can be used to protect our computer. Explain what is

i. Cytography

Cryptography is a process of hiding information by altering the actual information into different representation, for example, an APA can be
written as I? X.

Almost all cryptosystems depend on a key such as a
password like the numbers or a phrase that can be used to encrypt or decrypt a message.

The traditional type of cryptosystem used on a computer network is called a symmetric secret key system.

ii. Firewall

Firewall is a piece of hardware or software which functions in a networked environment to prevent some communications forbidden by the security

Firewall implement a security policy. It might permit limited access from in or outside the network perimeters or from certain user or for certain activities.

chapter 1

Ok, for now, we have finished chapter 1 which consists 15 lessons. Overall, chapter 1 was ok. I still can understand it. But, got problems of memorizing all the facts. HAHA.

I like the way Puan Zalina taught us, she always give some example about the lesson and it makes the learning process even fun. And the class atmosphere also good for me. Not too formal, got teasing and joking sessions.

Ok, well, this is for now, will update later. See you.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Impact of ICT in Society

Describe the impact of ICT in society.

Perkembangan dunia teknologi kini menuntut kita mengaplikasikan penggunaan ICT dalam kalangan masyarakat tanpa mengira lapisan umur. Malahan, kanak-kanak di sekolah rendah juga telah diajar untuk memahirkan diri mereka dengan pengaplikasian ICT. Oleh itu, dapatlah kita lihat betapa pentingnya peranan ICT dalam hidup kini di era globalisasi ini.

Namun, kita juga harus menilai perkara ini dari aspek impaknya kepada masyarakat. Apabila berbicara tentang impak, saya menggambarkan dua jenis impak iaitu impak positif dan impak negatif.

Impak-impak positif yang dapat saya rangkumkan di sini bagi penggunaan ICT kepada masyarakat ialah masyarakat dapat mengubah status mereka kepada masyarakat minda kelas pertama. Hal ini yang demikian kerana penggunaan teknologi ICT ini telah membantu masyarakt keluar daripada kepompong ketidak majuan seperti yang selalu kita gambarkan sebagai katak di bawah tempurung.

Keduanya, ICT juga memudahkan hidup masyarakat. Hal ini disokong oleh kemudahan internet yang berada di bawah naungan ICT yang telah membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan maklumat dengan lebih mudah dan pantas. Seperti kata pepatah, "Dunia di hujung jari". Mereka boleh juga mendapat maklumat walau di mana sahaja mereka berada pada bila-bila masa dengan bantuan internet ini.

Namun, di sebalik impak positif yang diberikan oleh ICT, terdapat juga impak negatifnya. Contoh impak negatif penggunaan teknologi ICT kepada masyarakat adalah keruntuhan moral remaja. Hal ini demikian kerana dengan bantuan ICT, remaja akan lebih terdedah kepada unsur-unsur pornografi yang terdapat didalam internet. Mereka dengan mudahnya dapat membuka laman-laman web yang tidak bermoral yang berunsurkan pornografi. Perkara ini bukan sahaja mengotorkan fikiran mereka, malah turut sama merosakkan akhlak mereka.

Keduanya, teknologi ICT juga melalaikan. Hal ini berfaktorkan kesanggupan para remaja duduk menghadap komputer selama berjam-jam melayan lama-laman sosial, bemain pemainan internet, mendengar lagu dan menonton video yang tidak berfaedah dan ber'chatting' di laman-laman sembang. Perbuatan-perbuatan ini sangatlah tidak bagus kerana tanpa remaja itu sedari, mereka telah menghabiskan masa berjam-jam tanpa mendapat pulang faedah. Masa berjam-jam itu sepatutnya mereka gunakan untuk mengulang kaji pelajaran. Dengan cara ini, barulah Malaysia dapat melahairkan modal insan kela pertama.

Konklusinya, ICT memberi impak positif dan negatif dalam masyarakat. Masyarakatlah yang perlu tentukan sama ada mereka mendapat impak yang positif atau negatif daripada teknologi ICT ini.

First Week Episode 2

I've promised that I am going to continue about our first week in ICT class. OK, during the first week, we have coped for few lessons which is from lesson 1 to lesson 2. Basicly, lesson 1 is about introduction. We learnt about :

  • Evolution of Communication
  • What is ICT.
  • Information.
  • Communication.
  • Technology.
  • Technology Timeline .

In lesson 2, we learnt about ;

  • Evolution of Computers.
  • Computer Generations.

Under the subtopic Computer Generation, we learnt that computer generation is divided into 5 generations.

First Generation (1940-1956)

During the First Generation, the size of the computer is believed huge. The computer was also slow expensive and unrelieable.

Second Generation ((1956-1963)

The computer is starting to developed that it uses transistor rather than vacuum tube as in First Generation.

Third Generation to now.

The computer system continue to develop and develop until the size is getting even smaller and reliable.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Week

Okay, during the first week lessons, we were introduced to ICT. ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. I don't know how to describe it in writing. It is because I am afraid if I describe it in my writing, you will get puzzled. I'm not good in describing something in writing.

OK, back to ICT, example of ICT is the Internet. We can get information using the internet, communicate using the internet and it is also a form of technology. Technology is describe as the knowledge or use of the mechanical arts and applied sciences. So, the Internet is a technolog as it uses mechanical arts and science application.

We also have learnt a few lessons during the first class. But I have difficulties of telling you what I have learnt as my module is with my teacher. Later, after she have returned it to us, I will tell you more about my lessons.

Oh, ICT is an interesting subject to learn as knowledge in technology is needed these days. So, learn it as you got the chance to learn it before you regret. As the saying goes, there's no use to cry over a spilt milk. [ I totally have no idea why I am putting this idiom in here, well, at least I using it. Haha]

OK, I'll be back sooner...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ok, this blog was made for my ICT lesson. It is cumpolsory that every student who takes ICT as their elective subject have to make a blog. The blog is under school project. At first, we were given a chance to choose our using language for this blog. Until now, I'm puzzled. Wheter to choose Malay or English. My Malay was OK, but sometimes I'm using 'bahasa rojak'. And our teacher had already told us not to use 'bahasa rojak'. Then, how is it now? English? My English wasn't so bad and far too good. I'm using broken English, I noticed that. And even when I'm writing this post, I don't know wheter I'm using past tense or present tense form. [haha]. So, I need your opinion.


To Puan Zalina, can I write in English or Malay in certain post? Mean, if today I write using English, can I write using Malay for tomorrow? I promise to write it using full Malay/English. Please, teacher...